Adding that extra sparkle to your smile!
Very few people have naturally brilliant white teeth. Our teeth can become more discoloured as we get older and years of drinking tea, coffee and red wine may stain the teeth. Tooth whitening is a safe and simple, yet an effective way of lightening the colour of your teeth without removing any of the tooth structure. It is the most commonly used cosmetic procedure.
At Elstead Dental Surgery we have chosen to use Philips Zoom Whitening so you can be assured of safe and powerful results.
Philips Zoom In-surgery Whitening - whitens up to 6 shades within a hour
The treatment session lasts for approximately 1 hour, although the appointment can take 2 hours. Simply lie back in the chair! A soft silicone guard is placed over your lips and the gums are covered to protect them. The gel is applied in 4 x 15 minute sessions, using the Zoom light to activate the gel. After the treatment, you will be given a take home kit to continue and top up your whitening.
Philips Zoom Home Whitening
At Elstead Dental Surgery we use Philips Zoom NiteWhite gel, which delivers superior whitening and enamel protection. You will be provided with custom made trays and enough gel to whiten the teeth. The process usually takes 1-2 weeks, wearing the trays overnight. At Elstead Dental Surgery we use Philips Zoom NiteWhite gel, which delivers superior whitening and enamel protection.
What does tooth whitening involve?
Your dentist will first make sure that you are suitable for the treatment and discuss different whitening methods to choose the one that would be the best one for you.
You will then have impressions taken for individually made trays. These customised trays fit into your mouth precisely and thus improve the effectiveness of the whitening treatment. Your dentist will give you advice on the procedure and how to use the product.
If you have chosen In-surgery whitening, you will be booked in with our Dental Therapist for an appointment to have your teeth whitened whilst relaxing in the chair. The result is instant!
If you have chosen Home whitening, you will wear your custom trays at home either overnight or over a few hours a day (depending on the strength of the whitening gel). You may see results after just one night; though expect to see results in about a week.
How long will my teeth stay whiter?
The effect of whitening may last up to three years. However, this will vary from person to person. The effect is less likely to last as long if you smoke, or eat or drink products that can stain your teeth. “Topping Up” is easy – all you need to do is just pop in to get some more whitening gel!
What are the side effects?
Before starting we will always ensure that you are suitable for the treatment. Some people may find that their teeth become sensitive to cold during or after the treatment. This is only temporary and should disappear within a few days after the treatment.
Tooth whitening can only lighten your existing tooth colour and only works on natural teeth. It will not work on any types of “false teeth” such as dentures, crowns, veneers or fillings.
If you want to find out more about tooth whitening, please do not hesitate to contact us on 01252 702477.